Telework, Security in Companies.

These last few years telecommuting has had a hard time establishing itself in SMEs, but today, because of COVID-19, it has become a solution adopted by most companies. However, a lack of knowledge and preparation can endanger an entire activity.

The purpose of this article is to give some theoretical and practical advice for both employer and employee.

From an IT perspective, the employee's home is a non-secure or controlled environment, as could be the company's IS. So it is essential to start by educating employees about the risks associated with telecommuting. Let's start with the employees:

Personal Network Security
When you sign up for your Internet contract, many boxes arrive with wifi pre-configured. The use of this default configuration is strongly discouraged. To secure the network, it is advisable to set a secure name and password (which will not contain easily identifiable data (like your pet's name for example)) for your wifi network. This action is perfectly feasible for everyone, as Internet Service Providers (ISPs) often make this procedure available.

If the use of a personal wifi network is not possible, and a public network is used, then a personal VPN or, if available, a company VPN must be used. Professional data cannot be accessed on an unprotected public network.

If the implementation of telecommuting requires employees to use their personal equipment, it is strongly recommended to create an account dedicated to the professional activity on the computer in question. This account will allow the separation of professional and personal activities. This is even more advisable if this machine is used by other people in the household. Ideally, however, the company should provide the equipment.

In both cases, it is essential to make sure of a few points:

  • An antivirus is installed and updated
  • A data backup system is present within the company and is tested regularly.
  • The user is also able to regularly (ideally every day) back up this data to external media (if company policy allows).

Respect for data confidentiality
Working from home can give a sense of security, however, some simple rules need to be in place to ensure data confidentiality. In fact, some people were able to use their terrace or garden this summer to practice their professional activity. However, it is not advisable to inform the whole neighborhood about the business techniques applied during this period or about the new client who has just signed the contract.

Let's continue this article with some tips for leaders:

Security Control
It's never too late to train your staff inCyberSecurity. An effective training plan will enable you to reduce the risks associated with cyber attacks, phishing attempts or other techniques used to steal your data or put your business at risk.

Also, it is strongly recommended that secure , encrypted identification and authentication systems be set up for each user profile.

Finally, you may need to adjust your insurance policies to ensure that these new terms and conditions are taken into account.

Determining the positions for which teleworking is possible
Sensitive data, regulatory restrictions, business or material constraints can be an obstacle to teleworking. It is essential to identify the cases where teleworking is not possible and communicate to employees the reasons for their decision.

RD - Disaster Recovery
Whatever the size of your company, you need to put in place a DR, or disaster recovery plan. This allows a company to plan ahead, the mechanisms to rebuild and restart an information system in the event of a major catastrophe or critical incident.

This plan should ideally be tested regularly to ensure its effectiveness.

Here are some practices that can be quickly applied to your company, but you can also rely on your Viseeon accountant and his network of selected partners to identify solutions that can be used in your company.



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