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How to find your WHY?

The famous Why! We often talk about it in our offices, so it's about time we wrote an article about it!

As you already know, finding and understanding your "Why" is fundamental to any business venture. Let's dive into the heart of this concept together, with a concrete and theoretical approach, so that we can define what really drives us forward.

Have you ever stopped to think about what really motivates you? Why did you choose this path? 

The theory behind "Why"

Popularized by Simon Sinek, an American-British author, the concept of "Why" presents the idea that companies (and individuals) are more successful when they understand and communicate their deepest reasons for existing, before talking about the "what" (their product) and the "how" (their production). 

This is not just a marketing argument, but a psychological reality. People identify more with a "why" than with a product or service.

WHY is the fuel that drives motivation, passion and determination. When the going gets tough, it's your "why" that drives you to persevere. When you have a clear vision of your reason for being, your energy is multiplied tenfold and your path to success becomes clearer.

WHY: the art of asking the right questions

Origins: Why exactly did you start your business?

Emotions: When have you felt the most passion or enthusiasm on your journey?

Impact: If you had to define the impact you want to have in 10 years' time, what would it be?

You need to answer these questions to find your WHY. 

What will motivate you every morning to get up, go to work and do your best? The answer is your WHY.

The power of the collective and the search for "Why

At Viseeon, we believe in the power of the collective. Together, we share, we learn, we grow. It is by communicating with your peers, exchanging experiences, that you can find clues to your own "why". Sometimes it's easier to see what resonates with others than to identify it in ourselves.

 The concrete benefits of "Why" in companies

  • Constant motivationWhen you understand your "why", you have an inexhaustible source of motivation.
  • Strategic decisionsYour "why" can guide your choices, from recruitment to product selection or your management method.
  • Customer loyaltyLoyal customers believe not only in what they do, but above all in why they do it.

 The role of "Why" in increasing sales

A clear "why" is a powerful storytelling tool because it humanizes your brand and creates an emotional connection with your audience. In sales techniques, for example, a well-articulated "why" can turn an ordinary presentation into a compelling story, dramatically increasing your conversion rate.

For your "Why" to be effective, it has to be consistent throughout your strategy - from branding to customer interactions. Your team must understand it, embrace it and integrate it into everything you do.

How Viseeon embodies its "Why

Viseeon has embraced the MLM model precisely because it embodies our "Why": the freedom to undertake, the strength of collective sharing, the power of learning and the ability to innovate. Every decision we make, every tool we offer, is guided by this "Why".

Finally, remember that the road to self-discovery is continuous. Your "why" today may change tomorrow. The key is to stay authentic, keep learning and adapting.


Finding your "why" is not just an exercise in introspection. It's a strategic move that can propel your company to new levels of success. As a Viseeon member, you have the tools, support and community to fully define and live your "Why". So dig deep, question yourself and see how this simple question can transform your entrepreneurial journey.


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