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Ah the Mindset! The true spearhead of any entrepreneur.

Wearing several hats, wanting and/or having to constantly evolve, thinking about your business from morning to night and often in the middle of the night, reconciling family life with professional life, not giving up, always moving forward... This is the life of a business leader!

It takes more than courage, it takes real determination and a lot of resilience.


Today we talk about the state of mind of a business leader. How to cultivate it? How to maintain it? And, most importantly, why will this very personal element have the greatest impact on your success?


What is the entrepreneurial mindset?


The mindset, or state of mind, is your mental strength. The inner strength that enabled you to start your business. The strength that makes you get up every morning, despite the uncertainties. This strength that makes you the hero of your life!

In the life of an entrepreneur, there are ups and downs, successes and setbacks. And that's okay. The mindset is not always at its best, but there are techniques to cultivate it. 

Just like a muscle, you need to train your unconscious mind daily to maintain a winning mentality. Can you hear that Rocky song playing in your head?


How to create a mind of steel


"Know thyself," Socrates said. And he said it a long time ago, so imagine the importance of this concept.

Knowing yourself is the basis of your business building. Knowing yourself means auditing your own existence. You need to visualize your strengths and weaknesses, your obstacles and blockages, your beliefs and desires. 

You also need to know their habits, good or bad, and the way they work. 

By having all this information objectively, you will be able to minimize what weakens you and maximize what strengthens you.

To know yourself is also to take care of yourself. Your body and your mind are your main working tools. You must, therefore, take care of them. 

Good in body = good in head = good in business healthy body, healthy mind = good work


How to keep your mindset

There is no miracle method. However, thanks to the results of your self-analysis, you will be able to find one that suits you. It is up to you to prepare your own recipe.

Fortunately, there are tools that can help you:


  • Create a routine

Hal Elrod's "Miracle Morning" no longer needs to be introduced, but rest assured that you won't be forced to get up at 5 a.m. every day. The principle of a routine is different for everyone. It doesn't matter how organized you are, as long as you are clear, defined and stick to it. Routine leads to habit formation and this will save you time and productivity.


  • Set goals for yourself

Small, medium and large goals are the guiding principle for every entrepreneur. Today I must, tomorrow I must, in 6 months I must... Having a goal will give your actions meaning. It is this meaning that will allow you to procrastinate less and find the strength to move forward.


  • Think outside the box

Think big, change your horizon, aim high! Thinking outside the box means allowing you to change your point of view, to go off the beaten track. Adopting another angle allows you to solve certain problems faster, find new ideas, and stand out. Be unique!


  • Dare

What could be more intense than the pride of being bold? It doesn't matter what the outcome is, as long as you have the experience. The more you dare, the more confidence you will gain. It is this confidence that will give you a solid mindset.


  • Take Action

No more talk, now it's time to act. You have your perseverance, your goals and your routine, all you have to do. Act, create, produce. You have the cards in your hand to develop your business and increase your turnover.


The others are your essence


Viseeon's motto is quite clear on the subject: Independent, but never alone!

The people around you are your first source of inspiration. It is in the collective that you will find the strength to continue.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you, who you admire, and you will reach their level. 


Through others you can learn and develop your skills, gain confidence, but also ask for help and feel supported. This is the strength of a network. 

This is why Viseeon developed its concept through relationship marketing, also known as MLM. 

We have created our own community of accountants. Viseeonaries share their problems, their dreams, their wishes and a common vision.


Whether you are an accountant or not, you can also find your professional family. The one that will give you wings to move forward.

Want to join the Viseeonary community? Contact our team now.


For support and consulting on these and other programs please contact one of our experts. 



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